Tuesday, November 13, 2012

An eyewitness to Bieber fever, on residential Dean Street: "hundreds of girls screaming and running after the bus"

Last night, photographer and Prospect Heights resident Tracy Collins tweeted:
OMG. [Justin] Bieber's bus just rolled down my block after Barclay concert. 100s of tween girls screaming.
I asked him to elaborate. Collins, a resident of Dean Street between Sixth Avenue (southeastern border of the arena block) and Carlton Avenue (southwestern border of the parking lot), told me he was walking home at about 10:30 pm from Fifth Avenue below Flatbush and the arena, around the time the concert let out.

"Traffic was backed up for several block south on 5th Avenue and throngs of tween girls and their parents/guardians were streaming down the sidewalks, trying to get cabs, getting on buses, walking to and getting to their cars," he recounted. The result: "gridlock and honking horns."

The fans wait

Collins walked up to Flatbush, then east along Dean Street past the arena. At the corner of Sixth Avenue and Dean Street, several hundred fans massed, "apparently waiting for Bieber to get in his tour bus and leave."

"I kept walking home, embedded in a crowd of fans probably heading toward the surface parking lot," he wrote. "I went into my house. At about 10:45, I heard lots of screaming coming from Dean Street (if you've ever seen the girls lose it for the Beatles, this was very similar) and I could clearly hear all of this with my double-paned windows closed."

Collins, to his regret without camera in hand, went to his front door and saw what seemed to be Bieber's "tour bus roll by with a police car with lights on trailing it, and the girls all screaming and running down the sidewalk.... There were literally HUNDREDS of girls screaming and running after the bus."

Pre-event traffic

I'm sure there will be more reports today. Before the concert, one Brooklyn resident (of what I believe is Boerum Hill southwest of the arena) tweeted:
Traffic nightmare in my 'hood magically cleared up at 8:20. Then it hit me. Concert at @barclayscenter. Guess Bieber fans don't ride #MTA.

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