Friday, November 9, 2012

The BrooklyKnight comic book provides the back story on the Nets' mascot, plus an ensemble of yet-unbuilt towers (minus one)

Wonder where that crazy new Brooklyn Nets mascot/superhero comes from? A comic book tells the story, and in doing so helps perpetuate a "new normal" about the Atlantic Yards project, which lacks an office tower.

Thanks to The Brooklyn Game (the successor to Nets Are Scorching) for posting BrooklyKnight Comic Book Issue #1:
This comic book, created by Marvel, provides the backstory on the origins of BrooklyKnight. The comic book was given out at Barclays on opening day.
Note that the hokey and inopportune description read by Nets announcer David Diamante--"born from the beating heart of your borough.. forged from the same steel and stone as your arena... your passion given form"--comes directly from the comic book.

One comment on The Brooklyn Game: "Too corny for me. Too lame, too dumb, too stupid, too un-cool, too silly."

The towers

I've excerpted a few pages below.  It's notable how three separate panels portray the arena as already surrounded by three yet-unbuilt residential towers, as in the latest renderings by SHoP, as shown on

There's no flagship office tower, of course, obviating the (temporary) arena plaza, even though the jobs in that office tower were crucial to the cost-benefit analyses used to justify Atlantic Yards. Apparently even the BrooklyKnight couldn't bring those jobs.

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